Mohamad Eldaouk started his business Sunshine & K around 2020 when the pandemic hit. As an outdoor person, it was challenging for him to stay home with no outdoor activities. In his free time he enjoys hiking and going out every weekend to the sea and the mountains.
He got into soaps around September 2020. Eldaouk really felt like there was a place for him to learn more about the chemistry behind the ingredients in soaps.
Eldaouk already had some knowledge about making Castile soaps: “I learned from my parents through generations, who also learned from their parents,” he said.
He is originally from Lebanon and came to the United States around 2010 after he applied for an asylum case because of hostility in his home country towards his sexuality.
Nature really inspires him. “I always think about natural solutions,” Eldaouk said, “This is not medicine or drug products.” He always does his research and looks at the science behind it so he can get to the point he is. His customers also inspire him.
“Feedback is very important,” Eldaouk said, “Whether it was positive or improvement required.”
Eldaouk honors what customers want and tries to find opportunities to make the product they might like or be in need of.
His business is named after his rescue three legged bunnies Sunshine and Koki, who are loved dearly. He does not buy or use products that are tested on animals and takes pride in the quality and diversity of his products. He also does not sell old products.
“I promise customers to sell them fresh products that can last longer on their shelves at home,” Eldaouk said.
To him the hardest thing about having a small business is marketing. Marketing is very important to get the word out.
“I know I get a lot of great and positive feedback from customers, but I always think, how can I market my products more and go out. Another challenge is storage,” Eldaouk said, “Although I have a big garage at home and I dedicated it only for making my products. But I’m out of storage already.” Having a small facility or a bigger place is definitely a game changer. “(It) can help me scale more and, you know, increase my growth.”
Having a small business is very satisfying to him and he enjoys being his own boss. Being a hard worker he works from the early morning to the late evening.
“Sometimes part of the business can be like a meditation when you finish your product and you are happy about the results,” Eldaouk said. It’s very repetitive work.
“It’s always important to think about the product you want to make, and what makes it different than your competitors.” Eldaouk said.
Hazel • Sep 27, 2024 at 11:14 pm
I might get some soap next time I go there!!