Rumors, gossip, and drama are nothing new. As social creatures, humans can have a tendency to talk about each other, but when taken too far, how destructive can this behavior really be? This social phenomenon can be clearly observed in the world’s most primal social experiment, high school. As a place that can either feel like warm familiarity or swimming with pit vipers, it is notorious for its unforgiving social waters.
Alyson Rizzuti, a Counselor at Clover Hill says,“[drama] it’s home and at school it’s like they can’t escape, they just feel very disconnected.” Rizzuti spoke of the oppressive feelings that this social turmoil can leave in its wake.
While discussing the outcomes and effects that she has often seen in students, she made it clear that at least in the midst of the storm, it can be detrimental to students mentally. “It makes kids feel withdrawn, or discouraged, and it can make them really hard on themselves, it can make them really angry,” Rizzuti said. “Other than just being really difficult for the kids, I think [the worst outcome] is when it’s persistent, like it doesn’t stop or the kids really internalize it and it just spreads.”
When speaking to students, there was a general sense of negativity surrounding the topic. Xander Popovich, a student at Clover Hill said, “I feel like it [drama] could definitely ruin the school experience.” Popovich stated,“I was homeschooled until fourteen, and then switched to public high school and it was just really overwhelming for me, all of the gossip that was going on around me and about me. And I feel like it does ruin it a little bit for everyone.”
It is inarguable that this culture is one in which the circulation of information, personal or not, can be and will be spread. Especially in school settings, it tends to be oppressive, a weight to carry. Most, if not everyone, has suffered from it, or at least been affected by it and yet, no one seems to stop.
It comes down to the fact that, on a certain level, it is enjoyable. Talking about other people is interesting and often able to be justified if people feel they have no malicious intent. Rumors? Just speculation. Drama? Siding with friends. Gossip? Just getting the facts. This is even easier when all of this information is only one text away. And to a degree, some of this is justifiable, it would be unreasonable to say that learning about other people and discussing aspects of one’s personal life and those in it is inherently bad. At the core, humans are undeniably very social creatures.
However, that being said, people are more than animals with uncontrollable urges. They are able to understand that there is a line to be drawn where socializing borders a witch burning. People are able to hold themselves to a higher standard than giving into petty thoughts, fighting over trivial matters, and sharing what’s not not theirs to share at the expense of someone else and for personal gain or shallow entertainment. Being able to draw the line then makes it your responsibility to draw the line.
This goes beyond just highschool. While it may feel more intense as high schoolers swim through the ocean of immaturity, hormones, and emotions, it is something that infects and corrupts some of the highest institutions of our society. Being critical of these behaviors and issues now is not only working toward the betterment of the current school community, but to the future of our culture as a whole.
Aaliyah Smith • Jan 27, 2025 at 10:57 am
Gossip leads to certain things that can be potentially harmful like drama, or rumors. Like Xander Popovich, a student at Clover Hill said, drama can definitely ruin the high school experience. We are probably at school more than we are at our own homes. With that being said, we get used to the people around us and the people that hang around the people we hang around (if that makes sense). Unfortunately, this makes things very messy. I feel as if it is best we all try to come together to stop talking about people in general, and focus on more positive aspects of our lives.
Aaliyah Smith • Jan 27, 2025 at 10:42 am
Gossip leads to certain things that can be potentially harmful like drama, or rumors. Like Xander Popovich, a student at Clover Hill said, drama can definitely ruin the high school experience. We are probably at school more than we are at our own homes. With that being said, we get used to the people around us and the people that hang around the people we hang around (if that makes sense). Unfortunately, this makes things very messy. I feel as if it is best we all try to come together to stop talking about people in general, and focus on more positive aspects of our lives.
Markiya Carrington-Johnson • Oct 30, 2024 at 8:43 am
I love that you shed light on this topic! Gossip is unfortunately continuously normalized throughout society. The media makes it even more easier to create and spread cruel gossip. It truly can take a emotional and mental toll on already stressed high schoolers.
Molly Tiller • Oct 29, 2024 at 2:59 pm
Gossip can be very harmful and I agree that it is a big issue that needs to end. People begin to rely on gossip for validation and making themselves feel better about themselves, which is why it is still happening in schools today. I like how you included students opinions on this problem so we could get different perspectives. Gossip ruins trust and has a major impact on those who have been affected by this issue.
Marin Findlay • Oct 29, 2024 at 2:05 pm
I like how you shared teenagers thoughts through this article. You took not only kids but adults take on the topic and made your opinion clear. I agree social media has ruined kids mental and even social skills throughout their life. The people effected by this are more then kids in school and I support you for stating how it goes beyond highschool.
Janet M • Oct 29, 2024 at 1:12 pm
Gossip is something that has become so normalized nowadays, there is always something new being made about someone. There have been lots of recent gossip pages that are being made up where anyone can talk about whoever they want anonymously. These sort of pages and lies being told can have a major impact on someones mental health where it could send them spiraling down into serious issues.
Taylor Venable • Oct 29, 2024 at 1:10 pm
As terrible as it is, gossip has been normalized in schools worldwide. While yes, drama is unavoidable, students should not have to deal with rumors going around about such trivial matters. Some of these matters are even manipulated just for a small laugh or to make oneself feel better about themselves. I mean come on, informing or dis-informing your friend about every little thing has to get exhausting eventually, right?
Zaria C • Oct 29, 2024 at 1:08 pm
I like how you gathered multiple perspectives from people who witness the gossip that happens around the school. It definitely ruins the community around us and hopefully people learn to say nice things or not say anything at all.
Jordyn B • Oct 29, 2024 at 1:03 pm
I feel that gossip can ruin people’s lives. I agree with this whole statement because it has valid points on why we shouldn’t gossip. It can be harmful and some gossip turns into bigger things.
Rana A • Oct 29, 2024 at 10:13 am
I believe that some gossip can ruin someone´s life. which a lot of problems people have now days and from gossiping and talking about each other to other people which one way people be doing the gossip was through social media, which it can be very harmful to many other people. I feel like a way of people can prove that is to stay true to themselves and others because if a person don´t like the other person you don´t have to be friends with them which is the best way you can distance yourself from gossip and drama.