Morgan’s Message is a club that I, Cassidy Conley, brought to Clover Hill High School, to spread mental health awareness and provide a comfortable platform for student-athletes to share their stories, and feel secure.
Morgan’s Message is drawn around the loss of a bright soul, Morgan Rodgers.
All her life, Rodgers was fiercely goal-driven and had a strong plan for her future. Rodgers was a student-athlete and played lacrosse for Kettle Run High School in Fauquier County, Virginia. After successfully mastering lacrosse, Rodgers was offered several Division 1 paths to different schools throughout her high school years. She ended up deciding to play lacrosse for Duke University. With the end of senior year approaching, Rodgers started to develop high levels of anxiety, but with the support of others and some professional help, she strived through her athletic journey. She was determined to begin her strong future as a Duke player.
In Jan. 2017, before her sophomore lacrosse season, Rodgers suffered a life-changing knee injury. For the next 12 months, she was going through a lot of surgeries and physical therapy, eagerly trying to get back to the field. She felt as if her life was slipping out of frame, and going out of control. Rodgers was putting on a strong smile for those around her, but was secretly feeling depressed and anxious. She was not living up to her self-expectations, and she felt secluded from her team. Rodgers decided staying silent and not going to those around her was what she wanted to do.
On July 11th, 2019, Morgan took her own life, at the age of 22.
Morgan’s legacy and unconditional power remains with us and motivates us to take action. Morgan’s message is to help others relate and share their mental challenges, and not have to go through tough situations, alone.
“As an athlete, there is no shame in seeking physical healthcare — the same should be true for mental
healthcare.” (Morgan’s Story on
Morgan’s Message club will form a union of supportive, strong individuals, to be there for each other and their team peers.
This club is to meet one to two times a month, and will provide fun activities and raise conversations, all
surrounding mental health. There will also be a choice of providing a dedication game for your sport. A dedication game is when you play for Morgan, and have a nine second moment of silence for her, as nine was her jersey number.
Morgan’s Message will bring together student-athletes and aid those in need of even just a simple conversation. We will overcome the stigma surrounding mental health.