It has been 5 years since a pandemic shut the world down. Covid changed the world in many different ways, from when it first started and even today it still shapes our world.
When Covid first began, many schools got two weeks off for safety precautions. In the CCPS area, our two weeks started on March 16th, and from there, it didn’t stop. This forced our schools to start figuring out how to do online schooling and to make sure students were still getting their education. Educators didn’t know how to go about figuring out the online world because many teachers haven’t used anything virtual yet. Because of the pandemic it forced our schools into a world of technology and made teachers figure it all out with us.
A bit through covid, some schools opened up for students to come every other day, while having them sit 6ft apart in classes and face one way during lunches. From there the schools opened up more for their students and allowed all students, with parental approval, to come back to the schools.
Outside of school, the world changed drastically, many people became more aware of public health and began wearing masks and getting vaccinations to help protect their friends, families, and communities. Stores and businesses began making masks mandatory to wear within the building and encouraged people to stay 6 ft apart from people when they could.
The virtual world also changed; online, many people began to express themselves on how they wanted to be seen. They dressed in “weird” fashion and “cringy” acting styles. Many believe that this time was simple and everyone was nice. Some people even began coming out as bisexual and transgender during this time due to people not being able to ridicule and bully them in schools. At the beginning of this year, some users on TikTok even began saying that they were going to start a “2020 takeover”. Many people during this takeover began acting like it was 2020 again and reminiscing on the old times.
By now, many people don’t consider Covid to be a pandemic anymore, and many people see it as something similar to the flu. Some people think that it’s crazy to think that Covid started just about 5 years ago, and that it feels like it was only a year ago. Covid was something that changed our world, but it’s up to you to decide if it was for the better, or for the worse.