Seniors look forward to prom, graduation, and other events
As the end of the 2020-2021 school year approaches, student council members and student sponsors plan around the pandemic for Clover Hill’s annual senior events.
Chesterfield County Public Schools instituted regulations to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, which limit the number of people in a school setting, enforce a minimum spacing within that setting and establish standards of sanitation/ventilation, all to inhibit potential COVID-19 outbreaks. Due to these procedures, traditional senior events will take on a new appearance, but according to Senior Sponsor Victoria Kirtley, the show must go on.
“We can only do what the county and the governor will let us do,” Kirtley said. “We will have an outside graduation, split in groups of three to make room for the students and their families, and both awards ceremonies, scholarship and regular, will be held virtually.”
Kirtley prefers that the event replacing prom this year be called the ‘senior event’ because of its many deviations from the standard prom.
“Prom won’t be a prom like we know it,” Kirtley said. “All we can do is bring groups of up to ten Clover Hill seniors at once for 15 minutes, so we’re trying to do something that we can walk people through.”
Student Council Association Senior Treasurer Nicole Chang is a key decision maker for senior events. Some aspects that a typical prom would have were omitted, but in turn, Chang helped give a voice to our seniors on deciding the event’s atmosphere and activities.
“There won’t be an actual dance or an after-prom event, but the students had a bigger voice on the decisions for the senior event,” Chang said. “The seniors chose if they wanted it to be formal, informal, or semi-formal. They voted on activities like having a Tik-Tok booth, a senior class of 2021 signed wall, or a small dance corner.”
Kirtley further details the activity and gift options for the event. Seniors provided their input on the questionnaire Kirtley posted on the senior Canvas page.
“It asked if they would come, how they would want to dress, and how they would want photos done,” Kirtley said. “We also wanted to see what students would want to bring home with them, like raffle tickets, or a dessert to go, CHHS memorabilia, et cetera.”
Kirtley does warn that other senior event activities, such as going to dinner to celebrate, will have to be at the discretion of individual groups of students and their parents.
Senior Samuel Badman decided to go to the senior event despite its shorter time and altered structure.
“It may not be much compared to a normal prom, but it is better than nothing and is something to look back on,” Badman said.
Chang concurs, showing gratitude for the people who are putting all of the festivities together.
“Even though this year has been hectic, I appreciate the Clover Hill staff for organizing these events for me to have at least a last few good memories of my senior year.”
For Clover Hill seniors, graduation caps and gowns, cords, and senior sign pickup occurred Apr. 29 and 30. The senior photo formal event will occur on May 15. Graduation will take place in the stadium during the week of June 7-11. More information can be found on the Class of 2021 Instagram, @chhs2021seniors.

News section editor and Clover Hill senior Keegan Miller has been with the Cavalier Chronicle since 2019. His experience working with the National History...