A fresh start: online school and its lasting effects

Sarah Craft

Masked Cavaliers travel between classes as the 2021-2022 school year begins.

Students began the school year in-person in the midst of the pandemic, and as the weeks go on, the lasting effects of virtual learning are more apparent. From behavioral differences to different ways of teaching, many people around Clover Hill have something to say. 

English teacher Gail Kline has seen changes in behavior in relation to students getting too comfortable in their own homes and a lack of a rigid structure. 

“Students not following policies and procedures such as staying in the class during instruction,” Kline said. “They want to get up, they want to go to the bathroom,  they want to meander around,” throughout the school day.

Students also noticed a change among themselves coming back to school after a year in virtual learning. 

Junior Jessica Dodson reflected on how virtual learning taught her to value certain things she previously overlooked.

“Never take anything for granted  because you never know what could happen,” Dodson said as something she is applying to school this year. “Be grateful that you’re in school while we are in school.”

Jason Bryant, a senior at Clover Hill, noticed a difference in student’s motivation levels compared to the previous year.  In virtual learning, student’s motivation levels were comparatively lower, making it harder for them to want to complete their work for classes, but being back in school has reignited their determination.

“This year I am a lot more motivated because we are actually back with people again,” Bryant said.

Although  motivation has increased this year, there is some apprehension regarding coming back to school. Principal John Phillips has seen changes within the community because of the ongoing pandemic created by COVID-19.

“The anxiety level, from my perspective, is very high,” Phillips said. Phillips credits some of the anxiety created this year to the possibility of having “ seven, eight, nine, ten cases in a week.”

However, even with these obstacles, Phillips says that he feels happier this year compared to last year. He says that he gets his energy from others, and by having students and teachers back in the building, it presents a more positive atmosphere for him. Phillips says how feeling the excitement from both the faculty and students of The Hill has uplifted him for this coming year. 

Phillips concludes his statement by saying that even though there are obstacles coming back in person, it is all worth it.

“We do this for students,” Phillips said. “There is not a person working in this building that does not love to really be around students.”

As the year progresses, the faculty and student body look forward to the future events and activities that being in-person offers. Events such as spirit walks and homecoming are being anxiously awaited by the community and the people of Clover Hill High School are so excited to be back in school and to embrace all of the highs and lows of this coming year.