Contrasting seasonal vibes: winter versus summer
Richomnd, Virginia, as seen from the James River’s Belle Island, in both winter and summer.
The sky gets darker before nightfall, the wind gets chilly and the snow starts to fall. As colder weather moves into Central Virginia, we are reminded of the age-old question: Warm weather or cold weather – What’s better?
“What are the benefits of each? What activities can you do in warm and cold weather?” These questions can determine whether one prefers the warm, summer heat or cold, winter chill.
Students at The Hill gave their thoughts on the change of weather and which one is better and why.
Junior Ethan Toy is a fan of the charms of winter.
“Cold weather is better because even when the temperature is low you can always wear more clothes to keep warm,” Toy said.
Junior Clinton Clancy agreed with Toy.
“In cold weather, you don’t have to worry about getting too hot or sweating,” Clancy said.
Cold weather can be less intense than the humidity and heat of the summer, but also disable you from doing certain activities. Because of this, Junior Landon Cole prefers warmer weather.
“Warm weather is better because it’s more comfortable and there’s more to do,” Cole said.
Warm weather allows for sports, hikes, going to the beach, enjoying the scenic views of the outdoors, walking and usually a nicer atmosphere.
Warm weather is more enjoyable because, in the hotter months of the year, there are more activities you can enjoy. Many people believe the time of year and season one is born affects their preference, however, I disagree. A lot of people are born in the winter, but because they live in warmer climates in tropical locations, they don’t experience cold weather, which doesn’t affect their preference for weather, since they experience warm temperatures year round.
Another thing to consider when thinking about colder and warmer weather is the season change. In fall and winter, the time changes, causing days to get shorter and nights longer. During the day there are usually many clouds blocking the sun making it look gloomy and dark outside.
There are a few activities that can be enjoyed in cold weather, like snowboarding, skiing, or maybe just staying indoors being lazy, which we all love doing now and then.
In conclusion, warm weather offers far more activities and brighter scenery outdoors, while cold weather usually keeps us indoors, relaxed and cozy.

Tyler Hamaker is a senior at Clover Hill with a strong interest in all types of arts as well as writing. He's currently a Journalism two student preparing...