2022 Resolutions: New Year, New You
This year’s New Years celebration in New York City’s Time’s Square.
Entering 2022, many people pursuing their New Year’s resolutions. A widespread custom found primarily in the Western hemisphere, New Year’s resolutions are typically a personal goal that a person hopes to achieve in the coming year. The ancient Babylonians are credited with being the first to establish New Year’s resolutions and now, 4000 years later, Clover Hill students and faculty all throughout the school have a number of goals in mind for the new year.
Assistant principal Cherel Fitzgerald plans on focusing on improving herself in terms of her values and ethics.
“To live each day to the fullest, to treat others with respect, and to raise my granddaughter to the best of my ability,” Fitzgerald said.
Being active is another trendy goal among students and staff. Art teacher Haley Ferguson revealed that she’s looking forward to exercising this year.
“[I would like] to get a gym routine because it is good for my health and I don’t go as much as I like,” Ferguson said.
With her professional and personal life, she intends to find a nice balance between the two.
“I want to try to create a better work life and home life balance,” Ferguson said.
In 2022, sophomore Ethan Newquist is setting his mind toward the future with his resolution.
“[I want] to grow as a person and mature in order to have a better experience in life and for my future,” Newquist said.
On top of that, he also established a goal to improve his basketball skills.
“I want to improve in basketball because I like the sport,” Newquist said.
Most students had goals for school, such as bringing their grades up or maintaining their good grades from the previous year. A sophomore Makayla Joyce has set ambitious goals for the school year.
“Graduating early and getting straight A’s again,” Joyce said. “[I also] want to be more focused and get into more school activities.” o
Students and faculty discussed a multitude of goals for the future, including school aspirations, positive mindsets, good health, and many, many others. Regardless of the obstacles, many of them will work diligently to accomplish their goals and are hopeful that the new year will bring forth significant improvement to their lives and the lives of their loved ones.

A senior at Clover Hill High School, it is Layla's third year writing and second year editing for the Chronicle. As a chronicle staff member, Layla hopes...