Theater on the Hill goes into the woods
The cast of “Into the Woods” performing their rendition of “First Midnight”
Theater on the Hill performed their annual musical from May 4th to the 6th.
This year’s musical, “Into The Woods”, follows a series of children’s stories performed through theatrical storytelling.
“Into The Woods”, is one of theater teacher Carli Wilkerson’s favorite musicals. She always planned to do this musical but had to wait for the right cast.
“I knew I needed to do it at some point,” Wilkerson said. “I had to wait for the perfect cast and last year I realized I had that so we did it.”
The set designs, which are normally made by students, got outside help this year. Cast member Maddox Barnes contacted Wilkerson about creating realistic trees for the musical. His mother was creating trees for “Red Vein Haunted House” and taught Wilkerson how to make them herself. Red Vein is a year round escape room that is known for their realist set designs and creativity.
“He messaged me one day and said ‘my mom is making these realistic looking trees for the haunt do you want her to teach you’,” Wilkerson said. “We spent a day here over spring break and built five trees together.”

The performances on each night went according to plan and were successful. Senior Charlie Elliot thought everyone did a great job in their performance. He believes they put in the necessary work in order to have a successful show.
“All actors scrutinize themselves to no end about which nights were better,” Elliot said. “We had good performances, no terrible hiccups so I thought that was very good.”
While the musical was a hit, and just the beginning for a good portion of the cast, for seniors this is the end. Elloit started TOTH as a junior and has participated in both their musicals and plays. Elloit believes the program to be outstanding and worth giving a try.
“My general takeaway is that it is a phenomenal program not only in talent but in people,” Elliot said. “I wish I had gotten more out of it, so if you have any inclination to join do so.”

Vanessa Wigfall is a senior attending Clover Hill High School. Her love for film and interest in global crises led to her original interest in journalism....