Students and faculty stay in shape at home

Yancey jogs to the finish line during one of her races before the lockdown.

Clover Hill students and staff, along with the majority of the world, are exercising and working out at home more than ever. As staying fit becomes more difficult, since most gyms remain closed, Cavaliers have adapted the tools that they have at home to stay in shape. 

Since gyms closed last March, access to equipment has become restricted and motivation has decreased, but this is not the case for 10th grade English teacher Emily Yancey. 

“I know I’ll feel happier and stronger after I’m done, and that usually helps me get out the door on days that I don’t feel like it. Imagining the end goal motivates me a lot,” Yancey said.

Before the pandemic, Yancey enjoyed running by herself, so the way she works out hasn’t changed a lot, but she had to find a new approach to balance staying fit with being a mom and teaching virtually.

“Balance is tough, and it became even tougher once I became a mom. I find a routine that works and then stick with that as best as I can, which normally means rushing out the door for a run after school but before picking up my daughter from daycare, but I also have to accept that some days I can’t juggle it all, and that’s okay, too,” Yancey said. 

For Yancey, working out is far from a chore and claims that having a clear goal has helped motivation. 

“I have a hard time doing anything if I don’t see a purpose for it. I work out with weights because I like to feel like in a zombie apocalypse, I would at least have a slim chance of survival,” Yancey said. “I do sprint workouts because I want to be faster in my races. If you find yourself hating all forms of working out, then maybe write down your ‘why.’ What is your end goal? What do you hope to gain from that workout?”

Learning how to stay fit from home safely and productively can be a struggle for people who are used to going to a gym, or are just starting to work out. Learning virtually and from a close family member works for 10th grade student Sam Tapscott.

I use an online subscription service as well as workout tips from my father, but YouTube is a great place to find videos at any level,” Tapscott said.

 While Clover Hill staff and students wait for the gyms to reopen, they may have trouble finding a reason to continue working out. “I run because it makes me happy. For as long as I can remember, it’s how I de-stress, how I clear my head, how I feel challenged, and it’s when I feel most like myself,” said Yancey.