Clover Hill students donate blood through Red Cross program

Chris Ruiz-Torres

Red Cross nurses in the forum collecting blood from student donors

On Apr. 21, students made their way down to the forum for a cause. After an extended hiatus, the Red Cross returned to Clover Hill to collect blood from student donors.

Students who were 16 years old or older were able to donate blood with parent permission; those who did not want to donate blood, but still wanted to help in any way, had the option to be volunteers during the blood drive. Student volunteers gave donors snacks, drinks and helped everything go as planned. 

Nurse Katherine White greatly enjoys seeing students excited to participate in such a cause.

“I enjoy meeting new students who are interested in donating and volunteering and seeing their enthusiasm,” White said. “The Red Cross coordinator and everyone that works the actual blood drive are outstanding and compassionate professionals.”

Student volunteers arranging snacks for donors (Chris Ruiz-Torres)

Through the Red Cross’ Leaders Save Lives Scholarship Program, schools are given the ability to host blood drives in hopes of earning a scholarship upwards of $2,500. This year, Clover Hill students exceeded the goal number of units by over 20 pints.

“This is awesome,” White said. “Only a few potential donors were deferred, which is amazing. The donors and volunteers all did very well!”

White hopes that in the future even more students will feel encouraged to donate blood.

“Donating blood only hurts for a minute, but the impact is powerful,” White said. “Each unit of blood saves three lives! What a gift! It is a habit that can be lifelong”

For more information on donating blood and how to get involved visit the Red Cross website.